1. Getting Started

The video-pipeline comes with a command line interface (CLI) that you can utilize to preview, transport, and/or modify video streams!

  1. First you need to install the video-pipeline module from PyPI by running:

    pip install video-pipeline
  2. Once installed video-pipeline should be on your PATH.

  3. Make sure you have vlc installed and on your PATH.

  4. Run the following command to start streaming video from your webcam:

    video-pipeline start --source os --transport tcp-server transport-host= transport-port=8000
  5. On the same computer (or another computer on your LAN) run the following command replacing HOSTNAME with the hostname of the computer running video-pipeline.

    Note: If you’re running on a linux machine you can run hostname to get your HOSTNAME.

    vlc "tcp/mjpeg://@HOSTNAME:8000/"
  6. You should now see a stream of your webcam!

To learn more about the video-pipeline command line interface run video-pipeline --help. To see some more examples on how the CLI could be used see the provided examples.

If you have any issues questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to submit an issue to the issue tracker.